What is Web3?
Learn once, What is Web3?

Web3 Basics ⭐
❤️ Understand the origin, core concepts and impact of Web3 on the future of the Internet.

Blockchain and Ethereum Technology
✅ Learn blockchain technology and Ethereum platform in depth, master its working principles and application scenarios.

Digital Identity and Privacy Protection
✨ Explore the importance of digital identity in Web3 and how to protect personal privacy through encryption technology.
NFTs and Digital Art
🔥 Analyze the concept of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and understand its application and value in the digital art market.🚀
Finance and Smart Contracts
📜 Learn the principles of decentralized finance (DeFi), master the writing and execution of smart contracts, and open a new era of finance.
Check it out in the intro video
Web3 will realize a more democratic and decentralized version of the Internet.🎉 Polkadot aims to solve the interoperability problem between blockchains and allow cross-chain transactions
The Ethereum network is essentially the first blockchain-based decentralized network for things other than cryptocurrencies - decentralized applications👀 Ethereum's overall contribution to bringing Web3 closer cannot be ignored
I'm a big believer in Web3 and equal opportunity, which led me to found Fashion League (FL), a Web3 platform for female gamers.✔️ FL gives female gamers the opportunity to become their own fashion designers and turn their designs into NFTs.